Email Marketing CTAs

We’ve talked about starting your email. Now, lets talk about what to include in those emails!

Often, you’ll see us say CTA. What is a CTA? It’s a Call to Action. What does that mean? It means that your content is guiding someone to take a specific action. Common CTA wording you’ll see in email marketing strategies include:

  • Book Now

  • Contact Us

  • Shop Now

  • Read more

  • Join the convo

  • Sign up

  • Download

  • Add to cart

An email content planning trick we love to use is to start by deciding what CTA we’ll be using, followed by the amount of supporting factors (or intriguing ones!), and, lastly, the greeting. Once you decide on the CTA, then you’ll choose one or more supporting factors that encourage your customer to “buy in” to your “offer.” Last, but not least, focus on your email greetings. How do you want people to feel while reading your email? What message or visual should stand out upon opening your email? The greeting should be rooted in your brand voice.

The formula: CTA + supporting factors + greeting = 1 Email.

As always, we recommend starting off slow and then progressing your content pace. When starting something new, it’s important that you feel comfortable and confident in what you’re doing. Often, we notice that small businesses that start full on email marketing will taper off due to an overcommitment. So, be smart about your schedule and plan according to your availability and goals. Remember, goals can increase and change with time. Develop as you go!

Before we wrap up this blog post, it’s good to understand that a CTA is your driving factor in each email. It should support your business and its purpose for existing. Whether that be straightforward sales, getting to know your audience, sharing your business journey, or sharing the impact of your business. Craft your CTAs in a way that you would when speaking to a potential customer in a brick and mortar store. Be personable. Be present.

You got this!

Cheyenne Raine

Cheyenne Raine is a designer and developer located in Texas. Along with her business partner, Theresa Ressa, Raine curates brand identities from a sustainable and data-driven mindset.

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