Season Planning

2022 is officially here and here’s our first blog post of the year: Planning for the holiday seasons! It’s so easy to forget about the importance of planning when we dive into each week as they come in, however setting up a plan can guide how your weeks should go and what direction you should be moving towards in your business and marketing!

Halloween Season Book Photography Sample by Regan Smith

Let’s look at the big seasons that you’ll need to prep for:

  • Valentine’s Day

  • Spring

  • Summer

  • Fall

  • Halloween

  • Thanksgiving

  • Winter

  • Christmas/Holidays

If you celebrate more than these or alternate holidays, feel free to add them to your calendars! Here’s what you’ll want to do next:

  • Jot down product ideas and give yourself deadlines for when to start and when to complete

  • Create graphics or list website updates for those seasons

  • Schedule discounts, if that’s your thing!

  • Prepare social media ideas or posts, schedule in those deadlines!

Your calendar should be your best friend! Don’t work well with calendars? Monitor a Google Spreadsheet or Document regularly so that you make sure you meet all your deadlines.

Now’s not the time to be hard on yourself, though! Don’t overcommit or blame yourself for not meeting deadlines, they’re there to guide you. If you can only plan one thing per quarter, then do so! Start small. Start where you can and keep going, we believe in you!

Cheyenne Raine

Cheyenne Raine is a designer and developer located in Texas. Along with her business partner, Theresa Ressa, Raine curates websites, marketing materials, and brand identities from a sustainable and data-driven mindset.

Case Study: Modestine®’s Sweet Love Tea Blend


Introducing Raine and Rose